Pathways, Memory, and Emergent Computation in Nonequilibrium Systems
8-11 May, 2023
Ben Gurion University, Sede Boqer Campus
* Registration deadline March 31 *

Memory formation in disordered matter is an emerging field of study, encompassing a wide range of phenomena in different disordered and nonequilibrium systems. The field highlights many open questions regarding the mechanisms underlying memory formation and is searching for common physical principles that can explain similar phenomena observed in systems that are very different in their microscopic details. Insights obtained from this research direction represent an important contribution to the wider study of nonequilibrium disordered systems, beyond memory formation. From this perspective, memory formation serves as a gateway to understanding the unusual and highly irregular responses and dynamics of these systems by providing means of achieving systematic and reproducible responses. Insights from the study of memory formation in amorphous matter percolate to new communities and are used in a wide range of physical systems on all scales, from artificial spin ice, through biological networks to mechanical metamaterials. These studies also resonate open questions in the adaptation and self-organization of complex systems subjected to an external drive. This workshop will bring together leading researchers studying different aspects of memory formation in matter, driven disordered systems, and nonequilibrium physics. The workshop will encourage the formation of international collaborations, creating new networks, and enhancing the collaborative efforts between the communities of hard and soft condensed matter, mechanical metamaterials, and related fields.
The organizers
Ido Regev, Ben Gurion University, Israel
Yoav Lahini, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Yair Shokef, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Martin van Hecke, AMOLF/Leiden University, The Netherlands
Invited Speakers
Karin Dahmen
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, USA
Karen Daniels,
North Carolina State University, USA
Daniel Hexner,
Technion, Israel
Nathan Keim,
Pennsylvania State University, USA
Frédéric Lechenault,
ENS Paris, France
Chloe Lindeman,
University of Chicago, USA
Anne Meeussen,
Harvard University, USA
Yasmine Meroz,
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Muhittin Mungan,
University of Cologne, Germany
Itamar Procaccia,
Weizmann institute of science, Israel
Ido Regev,
Ben Gurion University, Israel
Charles Reichhardt,
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Sri Sastry,
JNCASR Bangalore, India
Dor Shohat,
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Menachem Stern,
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Damien Vandembroucq,
ESPCI, France
Martin van Hecke,
AMOLF/Leiden University, The Netherlands
Getting here
Ben Gurion University, Sede Boqer campus, also known as Midreshet Sede Boker, is an educational center and boarding school in southern Israel. Located in the desert next to kibbutz Sede Boker. The construction of a field school began in 1962, inspired by David Ben-Gurion's (the first prime minister of Israel) vision of developing a thriving Jewish culture in the arid Negev. The Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, affiliated with Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, the Ben Gurion Heritage Institute, and a high school emphasizing environmental studies, are now located there.
From Ben Gurion International Airport take the train to Beer-Sheva station (schedules can be found here).
From there, as well as from big cities such as Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, you can reach by bus (schedules can be found here).
We will arrange transportation from Beer Sheva University to Sede Boqer and from Sede Boqer back to Beer Sheva train station:
May 7, 17:00- Bus from Beer Sheva University Train Station to Sede Boqer.
May 8, 09:50- Bus from Beer Sheva University Train Station to Sede Boqer.
May 11, 15:30- Bus to from Sede Boqer Beer Sheva University Train Station.
May 12, 09:00- Bus from Sede Boqer to Beer Sheva University Train Station.
You can easily plan your way to Beer Sheva via train in this link:
The Venue
Making it happen

Accommodation and registration
We offer the conference participants 3 types of accommodations for 5 nights 7-12, May 23, within walking distance of the conference hall. Please indicate your preferred accommodation in the registration form. The room charge will be paid to the hotel on arrival.
Please notice that we will try to fulfil your request, but we can't guarantee this since we have limited number of rooms available.
1. Guest apartments:
Price: 250NIS per Night (1 person)
2. Hostel:
350 NIS per Night (1 person)
460 NIS Per night (2 persons)
3. Shermans Hotel:
650 NIS per night (1 person)
800 NIS per night (2 persons)
Registration Is CLOSED
Rona Zyss (Ms.),
Administrative Manager CECAM Israel Node
School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 6997801 Tel Aviv, Israel.